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“THE ROYAL HORSE SHOW” THE ROYAL                                                                        2001 – 2018

Director of Event & Broadcast Properties Live Event with Integrated Broadcast & Online


“CRYSTAL AWARDS” WIFT-TORONTO                                                                            2005 – 2008

Event Director, Feature Director-Producer Awards Gala


“HOT DOCS: AWARDS GALA” HOT DOCS FILM FESTIVAL                                          2007 – 2010

Event Director, Producer, Writer Awards Gala


“2008 INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT” WIFT-TOTONTO                                                                2007

Director, Producer Online Live Conference Streaming. 26hrs.


“ARRIVAL OF POPE JOHN PAIL II” DEPT. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS                                            2002

Event Producer GTAA Arrival & Ceremony


“MOSCOW TRADE MISSION” DEPT. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (TCT)                                          2002

Director-Producer-Writer President & Prime Minister’s Presentation

© 2018 Robert MacAskill Pictures Limited

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